This novel is the story of how Aomame and a boy, Tengo, she once held hands with in elementary school, are eventually drawn back together, in the world of 1Q84, via the machinations of a religious cult called Sakigake, which has established a connection with the creepy Little People. Sakigake hires a private detective named Ushikawa, an incredibly ugly man with crooked teeth and a huge misshapen head, to track Aomame down, for reasons that can’t be divulged.
In my opinion, this is a lovestory between a boy and a girl who once held hands in an empty classroom but then separated over 20 years and how fate entangled them together again. Yeah it is a lovestory but the long plot, along with the intricacy that rose up, is what made this novel super thick, mine is 1318 pages. It took me a month to finish the whole book. You might be tempted to stop reading about two-thirds of the way through—but I would encourage you, if you’re the kind of person to read such a strange book in the first place, to finish the novel. It is well worth it.
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